Quondam et Futurus
Don Quixote

Don Quixote de la Mancha is a classic Spanish comic novel by Miguel de Cervantes, originally published as two books in 1605 and 1615. Although not appearing directly, Merlin has a prominent role, being a legendary wizard known all through Europe.

Merlin's role[]

Merlin is referenced in chapters XXIII and XXXV of the Second Part, always as an unseen, antagonistic force opposing Don Quixote's knightly efforts, such as having put characers from Spanish folklore under a spell. His intent is not evil, however, but that of testing the mettle of questing knights such as Don Quixote. It should be noted that Merlin's interventions here are very much in doubt, as they are always relayed by the protagonist himself, who is suffering from his own delusions throughout most of the novel.
