Quondam et Futurus

Iwein, or The Knight with the Lion, is a free Middle High German adaptation of Chrétien de Troyes’ Old French Arthurian romance, The Knight with the Lion . Written c.1200 by a Swabian knight, Hartmann von Aue, Iwein charts the development towards maturity of a young knight who falls into error, neglecting his hard-won wife by devoting himself excessively to chivalric pursuits.

The Iwein in Hartmann's work[]

Hartmann of Aue applies to 1180 with his novel Erec emerged as the founder of the German Arthur epic.

The Iwein court is his second novel, he is from stylistic reasons as the last of four narrative Hartmann's works. Between the Erec and the Iwein werw developed the two legendful narrations Gregorius and the poor Heinrich.. The Iwein be presented to 1205, as Wolfram von Eschenbach in his Parzival on it refers. The earliest origins date is the year 1190. Language studies indicate it may appear that the Iwein in chronological proximity to Erec started to work on it but after about 1000 verses has been cancelled. The reason could be the death of the client in question. Only later would Hartmann after this thesis completed the novel. In whose behalf the Iwein arose is not known. As patrons, without which a medieval poet not have been able to work, come primarily Zähringer, but also the Staufer or Guelphs into account.


As usual medieval epics, Hartmann begins the story with a prologue (v. 1-85). A generic reference to Arthur seal goes into programmatic statements about the meaning placement of the seal. Arthur is praised as a model ritterliches whose name immortal. This is followed by self Hartmann's statements contained in the same way even the poor were preceded Heinrich:

Ein rîter, der gelêret was
unde ez an den buochen las,
swenner sîne stunde
niht baz bewenden kunde
daz er ouch tihtennes pflac
(daz man gerne hœren mac,
dâ kêrt er sînen vlîz an:
er was genant Hartman
und was ein Ouwære
der tihte diz mære.

Ein Ritter hatte Schulbildung genossen
und las in Büchern,
wenn er mit seiner Zeit
nichts besseres anzufangen wußte,
dichtete er sogar.
Er verwandte seine Bemühungen auf das,
was vergnüglich zu hören ist.
Er hieß Hartmann
und war von Aue.
Der hat auch diese Geschichte gedichtet.

(Hartmann von Aue: Iwein, V. 21-30. G.F. Benecke, K. Lachmann, L. Wolf. Übersetzt von Thomas Cramer. Berlin, New York ³1981)

A knight had enjoyed and read education in books, if it with its time nothing better to begin knew, it sealed even. It used its efforts on what is to be heard vergnüglich. It was called Hartmann and was from Aue. That sealed also this history.

First action cycle[]

The novel begins with a Pentecost at Arthur, the epitome of courtly festivity. There Iwein hear the story of the knight Kalogrenant, by Hartmann in the novel as a novel manner. Kalogrenant reported as drawn up by a convivial castle coming to a clearing full of wild animals had arrived at its centre a huge, ugly and unkultivierter wild man had confessed, but not as Unmensch, but as a peaceful shepherd out. Kalogrenants attempt, the mystery of a magic fountain idyll in the woods to fathom, that made him the wild man drew attention, but totally fails: With the Begießen a stone he solves a huge storm, calls for the defence source through Askalon, the ruler and Guardians of the magic fountain, out of this and must be defeated without a horse and arms return.

The failure of the aventiure Arthur Knight Kalogrenant is for the Artushof the legitimate challenge to avenge the humiliation. Iwein, a relative Kalogrenants twice by the shame is concerned, a whole train of the Court before and secretly rides into the fountain kingdom. The aventiure repeats itself, but the deadly seriousness of Askalon. Iwein following the deadly wounded, fleeing to Askalon in whose castle. The cuts lowered Falltor Iweins horse, he himself remains unhurt, but in the Torhalle included.
