Quondam et Futurus
Quondam et Futurus

Lôgroys, also called Logrois, is a city and duchy in Wolfram von Eschenbach’s Parzival, located close to the castle which Chrétien de Troyes in his Perceval calls the Rock of Champguin (and which Wolfram calls Rosche Sabbins).

The Duchess of Lôgroys is Orgeluse of Lôgroys, who corresponds to Chrétien’s Haughty Maid of Logres (l’Orgue(i)lleus de Logres). But in the Perceval Logres is the name of a place from which the maid came as a child, presumably Arthur’s kingdom of Logres, and no name is given for her current residence. On the contrary, in Wolfram’s account nothing is said of where Orgeluse may come from but Lôgroys is the name of the city and duchy which she rules and which she gained by marrying Cidegast of Lôgroys.

Note that Lôgroys is in no way to be identified with Arthur’s kingdom of Logres, which Wolfram also knows about and which he calls Löver.
