- A. O. H. Jarman
- A. W. Wade-Evans
- A Connecticut Fashionista in King Arthur's Court
- A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court
- A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court (1949 film)
- A Decepticon Raider in King Arthur's Court
- A Kid in King Arthur's Court
- A Late Delivery from Avalon
- A demanda do Santo Graal
- A demanda do Santo Graal (Portuguese)
- A demanda do Santo Graal (Spanish)
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- Aganor
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- Agnena
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- Agoyer the Cruel
- Agravadain (disambiguation)
- Agravadain of the Vales of Galore
- Agravadain the Black
- Agravain
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- Avalon to Camelot
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- Bernard Guidot, Jean Subrenat
- Bernicia
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- Bibliographical Bulletin of the International Arthurian Society
- Bibliothek des litterarischen Vereins in Stuttgart
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- Black Knight (disambiguation)
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- Bleoberis de Ganis
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- Boors
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- Bordo
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- Bores
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- Cadell Ddyrnllwg
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- Cadwallon ap Cadfan
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- Camelot: The Legend (1998)
- Camelot (1967) (film)
- Camelot (1997)
- Camelot (1998)
- Camelot (TV) (2011)
- Camelot (disambiguation)
- Camelot (game)
- Camelot (musical)
- Camelot 3000
- Camelot Legends
- Camelot Warriors (videogame)
- Camelot in Four Colors
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- Carol J. Chase
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- Charles Moorman, Ruth Moorman
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- Constantine (Briton)
- Constantine (King)
- Constantine III
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