Quondam et Futurus

Mr. Merlin is a 1981 American television series that revolves around a figure from Arthurian legend: Merlin. A half-hour situation comedy, Mr. Merlin ran for one season of 22 episodes on CBS.


The series finds the 1,600 year-old wizard, Merlin (Barnard Hughes), living in modern day San Francisco, California under the identity of auto repairman Max Merlin. When teenager Zac Rogers (Clark Brandon) finds Excalibur, which is disguised in the form of a crowbar, and manages to extract it from the cement it is embedded in, Merlin is required to train him as his apprentice in the magical arts. He must follow this and other instructions from a magical Council, as relayed by Alexandria (Elaine Joyce), or give up his powers and immortality.


  • A Mr. Merlin strip was published in the British magazine TV Comic.