"The Night of No Tomorrow" is the first episode of American animated television series Dungeons & Dragons (1983), which is based on the tabletop roleplaying game of the same name. The episode revolves around a figure from Arthurian legend: Merlin.
The protagonists, six youngsters from Earth trying to return home from the Realm of Dungeons & Dragons, arrive at Merlin's floating castle in the Realm. Aware of the wizard's miraculous powers, they go ask for his help in their quest. Instead, he takes Presto the young magician as his apprentice. This "Merlin" is however revealed to be their nemesis, the evil sorcerer Venger, in disguise. His plan to unleash the dragons Merlin once vanquished is thwarted, although the young heroes also fail to achieve their goal of getting back to Earth. It should be noted that Merlin did live in the Realm of Dungeons & Dragons but is revealed to have died a thousand years prior, in addition to being held in legendary stature by Earth inhabitants.